"Families do endure misfortunes and losses and as a result can and should draw even closer!"
Personal reflections on the lives of...
Meredith A. Disney
Daniel H. Disney
Charles Elias Disney
Edited By Patrick Tighe, Disney Biographer, from Newport Beach, California

Meredith A. Disney
Meredith A. Disney was one of the most creative individuals in the film industry. She was such a multi-talented lady and she spent much of her life reaching out and helping others! Meredith was always an example for others who were her friends and family. She was the co-founder of LodeStar Pictures, "an early seed film funding enterprise." She was married to Raymond Arnold Disney, one of the older brothers of Walt Disney, and they were blessed with a son they named Charles Elias Disney after Raymond's father who was Elias Charles Disney, and later an adopted son Daniel H. Disney. Meredith was first introduced to Raymond by her close friend who was Edna Francis. Edna later was married to Raymond's younger brother Roy Oliver Disney. Earlier, she was married to C. W. Fisher and they had one son. She was an easy person to approach and always she made everyone feel as though they were the only person in her life! Meredith colaborated with the Sherman Brothers and others with music projects for numerous films. If charity has a face, it would be the image of Meredith Disney. Meredith and her sons Charles Elias Disney and Daniel H. Disney lost their home in Malibu, California on Nov. 3, 1993 when a huge arson-created fire destroyed hundreds of homes. This fire was so intense that the glass in their cars melted and the access asphalt street became so unstable that numerous rescue fire vehicles were destroyed. Fortunately, at that time, family pictures and other family keepsakes had been removed from their home and were in storage due to a huge remodeling project and while the oak floors throughout their home were being restored just prior to the horrific fire. Still, the great emotional loss of their home was obviously hard to endure!

Every family member endures circumstances beyond his or her control! Each individual is capable of facing misfortunes and great losses and every person can choose how misfortunes and losses will impact their future. Their Catholic faith is a very strong influence with Charles and Daniel. Meredith’s Roman Catholic faith and her lifelong love for God---always paramount in her life---prior to her passing away in 1998---as the result of a terrible and tragic automobile accident.
Meredith Disney was an accomplished pianist, violinist, composer, and lyricist throughout her life. She often would accompany her brother for concerts. She always cared for the older members of her family and also saw to the care of several friends through to the end of their lives! Meredith sponsored several children receiving treatment at the Shriner's Hospitals for Children and she made her musical talents available on a regular basis! For many years she enjoyed teaching children to pray and to love God and to enjoy playing the piano and the violin.
Meredith Disney was an accomplished pianist, violinist, composer, and lyricist throughout her life. She often would accompany her brother for concerts. She always cared for the older members of her family and also saw to the care of several friends through to the end of their lives! Meredith sponsored several children receiving treatment at the Shriner's Hospitals for Children and she made her musical talents available on a regular basis! For many years she enjoyed teaching children to pray and to love God and to enjoy playing the piano and the violin.

Then, unfortunately, most all of the family pictures and other items that survived the 1993 Malibu, California fire were completely lost in the Midwest tornado on May 22, 2011. Drastic efforts have continued to discover and recover lost items with little to no success! The loss of many family and friends personal pictures has been quite difficult because these pictures portrayed a family history and held so many fond memories that seem now to be lost forever! Charles' family pictures of his late wife and son has been so difficult because seemingly there are no duplicates or replacements to be discovered. Charles Elias and Daniel endured another Malibu fire in 2004 but their home was not destroyed, even though close neighbors homes were completely destroyed. Sometimes things occur that do help keep “what really matters” in perspective!

When Meredith A. Disney retired she continued to be actively involved with her fundraisng efforts through her Meredith A. Disney Foundation. She was involved with Roy E. and Patty Disney and Cardinal Roger M. Mahony in support of the new Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in downtown Los Angeles. Quite sadly, she tragically passed away as the result of an automobile accident in 1998, some four years before the Cathedral construction actually commenced and was completed and formally dedicated. Meredith would certainly have loved the completed Cathedral!
Meredith had an uncanny sense of goodwill and she always recognized the good she found in every individual she encountered. Her sense of generosity was natural and she wanted to reach out to others throughout her life and she did encourage her family and friends to help find a positive remedy for the hurts and problems others were experiencing! She credited her own mother and father for instilling in her the desire to reach out to others no matter their particular status in life! Her late husband who was Raymond A. Disney desired the same things for others and together Meredith and Raymond accomplished many positive things for others across many years!
Another detailed and personal biography for Meredith A. Disney appears on page one of this website.
Meredith A. Disney Obituary from
The Los Angeles Times & The Kansas City Star
"Dorcas M. Thomas: Longtime Close Family Friend & Housekeeper"

Dorcas M. Thomas (was named for a woman in the Holy Bible, Acts 9:36-42) was a very longtime family friend and housekeeper for the home of Meredith A. Disney and family. She was a devout Southern Baptist, she lived her faith, and never missed attending Sunday and other services! Dorcas was like a member of the family and she enjoyed spending time with Meredith Disney and when they would go shopping and find matching hats and other clothing! Dorcas and her family would enjoy Thanksgiving dinner in the Disney residence where Meredith and her family would prepare and serve the annual feast! As Meredith said: "Dorcas cares for me and my family throughout the years and so I love to entertain Dorcas and her family on Thanksgiving Day as another way to show my gratitude and thankfulness to Dorcas for everything she does for us! Dorcas truly always blesses me and my family, she was like a sister!"
Meredith A. Disney, November 23, 1995
Meredith A. Disney, November 23, 1995
Celebrating the 68th Anniversary of
Disneyland in Anaheim, California July 17, 2023 &
The Opening of California Adventure

Brothers Charles Elias Disney and Daniel H. Disney standing in front of the bronze images of Walt Disney and his Mickey Mouse known as "Friends" at the early spring celebrations prior to the summer 60th Anniversary of Disneyland Park in Anaheim, California beginning on July 17, 2015. As a teenager Charles Elias Disney was in Anaheim in person when Disneyland first opened in 1955! And countless times across many years Daniel and Charles Elias have been to Disneyland Park and on some occasions even stayed in uncle Walt's and aunt Lilly's apartment over the fire house on Main Street! In Anaheim, and adjoining to Disneyland Park, and across from the main entrance is California Adventure Park that opened on February 8, 2001. Disneyland was the original Disney Park that opened in 1955 and Walt Disney really loved to spend his weekends walking throughout his park and greeting guests! This is the place where Walt realized his lifetime dream for creating a place where families could come and enjoy being together! Walt and Lilly maintained a very cozy family apartment above the fire house where he and his family would stay when they were often at Disneyland!

Daniel Harwood Disney has been a creative artist from the time he was a youngster and he would sketch and paint pictures of friends! He enjoys a natural instinct toward creating art in many forms. Daniel was formally adopted by Raymond and Meredith Disney in 1977 and they always regarded and loved Daniel as another son! Daniel is a spiritual person and he is able to imagine images and then to apply his art techniques in such beautiful renderings and his unique use of color distinguishes his art styles from others. He has successfully created many inspiring images for both religious and secular mediums. Some information relating to his work and his personal history will be emphasized in the following reflections on this page.
Daniel was asked by His Eminence +Roger Cardinal Mahony, the Archbishop of Los Angeles, California, to pray, and then to consider creating much of the print and other marketing art work for the new Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels that was to be dedicated on September 2, 2002. Daniel agreed to assist the Cardinal and he began an extensive research effort for the historical nature of such an undertaking. Daniel was given access to historical archives of the Archdiocese. Frequently, Daniel would meet personally with Cardinal Mahony to submit his ideas for what the Cardinal had requested. For over one year the two men worked on their mutual ideas and to creating the art forms the Cardinal had hoped for and that were ultimately realized, and the many, many art print forms were created and implemented! This work was most fulfilling for both the Cardinal and Daniel. The work was comprised of original art for advertising mediums as well as labels for jellies and preserves and for wines to be offered in the Cathedral Gift Shop. Many other print forms were created from the welcome brochures and guides, marketing, and to the dedication tags for the many various groups invited to the numerous dedications when the Cathedral was to be blessed and consecrated!
A beautiful twelve-sided brochure (over one million were printed) was created to emphasize the Cathedra or Bishop's Chair that symbolizes the teaching authority of Bishop's in the Roman Catholic Church and the very first United States Catholic Cathedral Cathedra from the Bascilia of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary from Baltimore, Maryland was on display in one of the Cathedral's adjoining inside galleries for over one year following the Cathedral dedication. Hundreds of thousands of Pilgrims visited and were awe-inspired with this display in Los Angeles. Daniel H. Disney is an active Roman Catholic and a conservative member of the Republican Party.
Daniel is also an accomplished professional baker! In past years he created many of the bakery recipes for the numerous Disney Park Bakeries. Often, he was testing his own newly created bakery recipes with his family and friends (often at his church parish) and he contends his baking is somewhat relaxing for him as he previously has owned and operated several bakeries in the past.
Daniel has created some very stunning art for LodeStar Pictures Est. 1956 and he continues to handle the print mediums for LodeStar. Daniel built a retreat home on 80 acres deep in the beautiful forest in northern Minnesota known as Mt. Alverna Pines for his family and friends and as time allowed he enjoyed spending quality retreat time there for many, many years! He always insisted that even in the coldest of Minnesota winters, some of his greatest inspirations were realized! An avid water enthusiast, Daniel has always enjoyed water sports in Minnesota lakes and boundary waters!
Daniel also creates original graphic and schematic designs for roller coasters! He, along with Charles Elias Disney are avid and passionate roller coaster enthusiasts and in past years both guys have been active consultants to various engineers for the actual construction of numerous roller coasters. His enterprise is known as Sky-Ride Roller Coasters. Daniel is now retired from this enterprise!

Daniel also suffered the loss of his family home in Malibu, California in 1993 due to an arson- started fire and the loss of his home in the Midwest in 2011 when a most ferocious EF5 multiple-vortex tornado nearly cost him his life and when so many wonderful family pictures and other distinct family memorabilia were permanently lost! For a number of years, some years ago, both Daniel and his brother were sequestered under the supervision of the FBI and both remained in seclusion in various locations for their own safety. This was a difficult period for the brothers since they agreed to have no contact with family and friends throughout several years. The reason for this action is personal and while their lives were in quite serious danger, having finally emerged from the witness protection program has finally allowed for them to resume their normal lives and since the threatened danger has thankfully been completely eliminated!
Daniel experienced a near-fatal heart attack in late summer of 2014 and the following morning endured a seven hour five-bypass open heart surgery from which he is still recovering. Thankfully, he is doing much better, almost daily! Earlier on the very day he experienced his heart attack, without noticing any symptoms, Daniel, while attending Mass, had invoked the help of God and particularly Saint Michael the Archangel as he was about to embark on a long flight the following morning. He contends both God and the Saint and his brother Charles Elias Disney were most certainly with him when, later that night, he was rushed to the Emergency Room at St. Joseph's Medical Center where he received the extraordinary life saving medical care long associated with St. Joseph's! And he thought he merely had a case of indigestion because earlier in the evening he and Charles Elias and some close friends had overly indulged in enjoying some really wonderful turkey barbecue!
Today, Daniel continues with his recovery and he enjoys his Laughing Graphics and Animation Studio partnership and also some bakery endeavors, because with both of these endeavors he seemingly enjoys great satisfaction and perhaps even relaxation!
Daniel experienced a near-fatal heart attack in late summer of 2014 and the following morning endured a seven hour five-bypass open heart surgery from which he is still recovering. Thankfully, he is doing much better, almost daily! Earlier on the very day he experienced his heart attack, without noticing any symptoms, Daniel, while attending Mass, had invoked the help of God and particularly Saint Michael the Archangel as he was about to embark on a long flight the following morning. He contends both God and the Saint and his brother Charles Elias Disney were most certainly with him when, later that night, he was rushed to the Emergency Room at St. Joseph's Medical Center where he received the extraordinary life saving medical care long associated with St. Joseph's! And he thought he merely had a case of indigestion because earlier in the evening he and Charles Elias and some close friends had overly indulged in enjoying some really wonderful turkey barbecue!
Today, Daniel continues with his recovery and he enjoys his Laughing Graphics and Animation Studio partnership and also some bakery endeavors, because with both of these endeavors he seemingly enjoys great satisfaction and perhaps even relaxation!
Daniel H. Disney visiting the Disney Family Home in Marceline, Missouri in 1997
Disney Residence in Florida, formerly the Petrea Residence...

This residence has long been a wonderful gathering place for family and friends. This was formerly the Petrea family home. Meredith A. Disney enjoyed entertaining her family and friends in this home for many years. Many splendid parties and celebrations occurred here across the years. This was a place where the family would come for privacy and relaxation! The residence is tucked away in a very private scenic and rustic area and it has long been a refuge as well as an entertaining retreat. The architecture is quite unusual and it is similar to a Spanish-style Mission!
The Disney's always enjoyed their times in their Florida residence and often family and friends who would spend time in Florida with the Disney's left with such fond and wonderful memories.
The Disney's always enjoyed their times in their Florida residence and often family and friends who would spend time in Florida with the Disney's left with such fond and wonderful memories.

Disney Residence in Florida where Daniel H. Disney and brother Charles Elias Disney and his son Cristian Petrea Disney resided. This home resembles a Spanish-style Mission and serves as the family gathering place. Many family celebrations have occurred in this home and the welcome mat is always out for family and friends since 1955. The large garden entry (shown) is covered with a stunning huge (60+year-old) pink Bougainvillea Ivy leading into a beautiful courtyard where an Italian carved fountain surrounded by white Veil of Mary and White Joseph's Coat Roses is such a pleasant and peaceful greeting! The home overlooks a beautiful garden-type retreat. An outside stunning 14 Stations of the Cross garden provides an inspiring walking area and an opportunity, if you like, for daily meditation, prayers, and devotions. Giving yourself time for your own personal thoughts each day is wonderful and even quite healthy!
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39

This is the Guest House entrance near the Disney Residence in Florida. The "guest" 3-story home was built in 1930 and has been the heart of countless wonderful gatherings of family and friends spanning so many years. The rear gardens adjoining the main home are so inspiring and two Italian fountains are featured and adorned with such soft and tender images. Many outside meals have been enjoyed by brothers Daniel and Charles Elias Disney along with Charles' late son Cristian who have resided in this Spanish-style home! Daniel and Cristian really enjoyed preparing barbecue's and creating pastries! This is the place where the guys were able to relax and renew, and to draw great strength from one another and from their Roman Catholic Faith and their family and friends.
"Home is truly where the heart is!"
"Home is truly where the heart is!"
Memorial Garden in Florida is Dedicated
In Loving Memory of Cristian Petrea Disney
Who was Charles' adopted son

Spanish Memorial Garden for Cristian Petrea Disney in Orlando, Florida was blessed by Father Sean Patrick Murphy and dedicated on Saturday, January 26, 2019. His adoptive father Charles Elias Disney and his uncle Daniel H. Disney were present for this special dedication. Cristian's late father and mother Luke and Maria Petrea were there in spirit and many prayers were offered for the Petrea and Disney families! This was a bittersweet time for the family of Cristian and he will be remembered for his love and charity he showed to everyone he met! This beautiful and inspiring memorial garden adjoins the Disney residence in Orlando.
The Kansas City Star February 28, 2019

Charles Elias Disney was named for his paternal grandfather who was Elias Charles Disney. He has spent most of his life helping others. In spite of some very distressing experiences from the time he was a youngster and throughout his later years, he has never stopped believing in the goodness of others! The most important people in his life have been individuals who have inspired Charles Elias to befriend people who otherwise were often "forgotten or even left behind!" He emphasizes and accentuates the positive and he encourages others to do their very best and to find people who are hurting and then to "do something about helping them; and to sincerely care about them!" Early in life, Charles Elias' mother encouraged him to love God and, in her words: "Find your passion for good, keep God at the center of your life, and then let nothing stop you from pursing this passion!" Very often, he can be seen engaging people and expressing his deep beliefs and offering his encouragement! He often stops to admire babies and children that he believes are a true source of strength and inspiration! Like he says: "Babies drop right out of Heaven!"
Walt Disney and his nephew Charles Elias Disney
were also very close friends across all of the years,
and they shared many of the same interests

Many individuals have always been great influences in Charles Elias' life and none more than his mother who was Meredith A. Disney, and his father, who was Raymond Arnold Disney. His father was one of the older brothers of Walt Disney. Charles Elias was always very close to his uncle Walt Disney and his wife who was his aunt Lillian Disney. Actually, Walt Disney and his nephew Charles Elias Disney were both members of the original Mother Chapter, Order of DeMolay, in Kansas City, Missouri, albeit many years apart! His paternal grandfather was Elias Charles Disney (for whom Charles Elias is named) and his paternal grandmother was Flora Call Disney. His step-father who was Charles Fisher also had a most profound influence on his early life as did Charles Elias' late wife who was Mary Elizabeth O'Brien Disney and his late son who was Charles Roy "Charlie" Disney. Also, his brother who is Daniel H. Disney, and his adopted son who was Cristian Petrea Disney. Cristian was a longtime aerialist performer with the former Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus and his parents passed away when he was five years of age at which time Charles Elias adopted Cristian into his family. Very sadly, Cristian passed away on May 10, 2018 as the resuilt of cardiomegaly or cardiomyopathy/enlarged heart!
When Charles Elias Disney was faced with "less than even odds" for survival when he was eleven years of age and he had developed a very serious case of rheumatic fever, it was his mother who tirelessly assisted him and she sought the best medical help available for him, and after many long months of hospital and home bed confinement, Charles Elias was able to "beat the odds" and fully healed and he survived this dreaded disease! The sickness required him to repeat the seventh grade in his early grammar school educational years since he was unable to attend many weeks and months of regular classes. His uncle Walt Disney personally created some drawing strips for him showing how Donald Duck endured his struggles with a similar illness, and these comic strips really inspired Charles Elias as he was recovering from this dreaded illness.
To clarify, and to summarize. Charles Elias Disney lost his wife Mary Elizabeth and son Charlie in an auto mishap in Europe many years earlier. The family home burned to the ground in an arson-related fire in Malibu, California in 1993 when 359 homes were destroyed. And then Charles lost his mother, who was Meredith Disney, in the tragic auto mishap in 1998. And then the home of Daniel H. Disney and Charles Elias Disney in the Midwest was completely destroyed in 2011 in a record massive catastrophic EF-5 multiple-vortex tornado" that completely destroyed many generations of family pictures and countless family keepsakes, and mostly were never recovered. Daniel H. Disney suffered a very near fatal heart attack followed by five-bypass open heart surgery in late summer of 2014, from which he is still recovering! So, all families are faced with misfortunes and people must do their best to go forward and find strength coming from their faith, family and friends! And, as well, great amounts of fortitude, patience and endurance!
Charles Elias was always interested in the film and entertainment business and when he was fifteen, he and his mother formed a private film "seed financing" entity to assist independent film makers with their initial funding for their films. This enterprise was named LodeStar Pictures and with God's help, and the help of others, the fledgling film enterprise met with some great success from the beginning! While Charles Elias has been involved with and partnered with others in numerous other business ventures, his efforts were mostly directed toward his involvement with films and financing films throughout most of his working years. He also was a managing partner with Central Cinema Company in the operation of numerous theatres.
Another very relevant person, one who never can be understated in Charles Elias' life was Patricia Ann "Patty" Disney, the wife of his first cousin Roy Edward Disney. Religion has always been such an important part of Charles Elias' life and "Patty" Disney inspired and encouraged Daniel H. Disney and Charles Elias Disney to become Roman Catholics, and she served as one of their personal sponsors along with Franciscan Sisters Annie Hilger and Ida Nieberle when they entered the Church many years ago. Meredith Disney and Patty were also very close friends and enjoyed each others company for many years. Meredith and Patty and Rosalind Russell were quite active in their respective parishes right up to the time when each one of them passed away.
And again, another person who has inspired and influenced Charles Elias is his brother Daniel H. Disney. Daniel and Charles have continued the LodeStar Pictures enterprise and have expanded on the original concept first established by Meredith and Charles Elias in Kansas City so many years ago. Together, Daniel and Charles Elias have established numerous funding's for various religious and other charitable entities. The majority of their giving efforts are done so with desired personal anonymity. Their footprints perhaps lead directly to, and are linked, to numerous film projects and other enterprises.
Of course, the two people who perhaps have had the greatest influence on Charles Elias' life were his late wife and son who lost their lives in a terrible auto accident in Europe. Mary Elizabeth O'Brien Disney was thirty-one years of age and Charles Roy Disney was three and one-half years of age when they passed from this life. A youngster ran into the car in which they were riding and claimed both of their lives. Only Mary and Charlie were in the car at the time of the tragedy. This tragedy obviously changed the course of Charles Elias' life and he determined early on (thanks to his mother) that he would live out his own life by honoring Mary and Charlie's lives by reaching out to others in all sorts of dire circumstances, including the young fellow who actually caused the accident---talk about Dr. Robert H. Schuller's "Turning your Scars into Stars!"
Another close and longtime friend who had such an important impact on Charles Elias' life and on Daniel and Meredith's lives as well, was the late Rev. Dr. Robert H. Schuller from Garden Grove, California who was an advocate and author of Christian "Possibility Thinking" and an example of faithful success. He inspired the building of the iconic Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, that was the longtime home of the "Hour of Power" inspirational television broadcasts for so many years. Meredith and Charles Elias and Daniel were present for the groundbreaking in 1977 and later for the dedication in 1980 of this iconic church! Pastor Schuller's most faithful and good grandson Bobby Schuller continues with this weekly "Hour of Power!" Dr. Schuller passed away on April 2, 2015.
One of the great joys in Charles Elias' life is to help fund worthy endeavors such as Catholic Charities and the building of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles. Charles Elias stated: "+Roger Cardinal Roger Michael Mahony, now the retired Archbishop of Los Angeles, influenced our families commitment to this beautiful and iconic Cathedral." Catholic Charities is present throughout the World and it is impossible to ever place a number on how many millions of people are assisted yearly by this great Roman Catholic outreach. His brother Daniel H. Disney worked closely with Cardinal Mahony to create the many print images and other varied graphics prior to and following the Cathedral opening on September 2, 2002.
Also, Charles Elias maintains a special interest in the Shriner's Hospitals for Children! His father who was Raymond Arnold Disney, was an active lifelong Mason and Shriner. These hospitals help children survive some of the most horrific circumstances, and without the Shriner's Hospitals, so many, many children would live out their lives having never been cured of their maladies, burns, or injuries or serious birth defects! The combined Shriner's 22 Hospitals for Children in the United States, Mexico, and Canada have been helping children and their families since 1922. Recently, a new state-of-the-art hospital replaced the older former hospital in St. Louis, Missouri and brothers Charles Elias and Daniel H. Disney were present for the inspiring dedication on Sunday, May 17, 2015.
Charles Elias Disney is an active and faithful Christian Roman Catholic and a conservative member of the Republican Party and as his faith teaches him, he believes in the "full sanctity of Human life from conception to a natural death!"
Charles Elias believes: "Difficult times do help form one's character" and he believes had he not endured his share of difficulties and hardships, he would never have been able to fulfill what he believes God revealed for his life! He believes: "Everyone is influenced by others and throughout one's life it is important to recognize the goodness that can be found in everyone." He emphatically believes that so many people have influenced his life and that it would be impossible to name each and every individual at any one time, but he does hold each and every one in his thoughts and prayers daily! His parents set before him wonderful examples of reaching out to others without any desire for reward, recognition, or any compensation! "And the desire and ability to forgive should always be paramount in everyone's life!"
A very special place in Charles Elias Disney's life is found in the beauty and the serenity of northern Minnesota in an area known as Crosslake. In his younger years he spent many summers there with his parents and other family and many friends, and he always enjoyed the special and majestic beauty of the countless lakes and forests and the very special people who call this place home. His dad taught him to love fishing and to love all of nature and he first learned to swim in Whitefish Lake when he was only four years of age and jumping off at the end of the dock at the awesome and majestic Boyd Lodge, a stunning lodge that still continues to be enjoyed by many families to this day. In later years, he was fortunate enough to have actually lived in Crosslake and in quite beautiful and rustic homes actually designed and built by his brother Daniel Disney. He recalls: "These were truly some of the very best years of my life and the memories will be with me forever!"
When his family home burned to the ground in Malibu, California in 1993 and then his home was completely destroyed in the massive midwest tornado in 2011---in both instances---he gratefully emerged a stronger man. Although still missing the many personal belongings, especially family pictures, all lost in the tornado that nearly cost him his life. Daniel H. Disney also survived both of these catastrophic tragedies. Charles Elias and Daniel marvel at the people who came from near and far to assist following these unimaginable circumstances. Charles Elias' mother was also Daniel's step-mother, who was Meredith A. Disney, and she passed from this life as a result of a tragic auto mishap. Meredith's passing truly impacted so many others lives...
"Lives are always altered forever when our loved ones pass from this life...
SO, be thankful while you have your wonderful loved ones, both family and
friends, and often, let them know each day how much you do love them...!"
Charles Elias Disney
When Charles Elias Disney was faced with "less than even odds" for survival when he was eleven years of age and he had developed a very serious case of rheumatic fever, it was his mother who tirelessly assisted him and she sought the best medical help available for him, and after many long months of hospital and home bed confinement, Charles Elias was able to "beat the odds" and fully healed and he survived this dreaded disease! The sickness required him to repeat the seventh grade in his early grammar school educational years since he was unable to attend many weeks and months of regular classes. His uncle Walt Disney personally created some drawing strips for him showing how Donald Duck endured his struggles with a similar illness, and these comic strips really inspired Charles Elias as he was recovering from this dreaded illness.
To clarify, and to summarize. Charles Elias Disney lost his wife Mary Elizabeth and son Charlie in an auto mishap in Europe many years earlier. The family home burned to the ground in an arson-related fire in Malibu, California in 1993 when 359 homes were destroyed. And then Charles lost his mother, who was Meredith Disney, in the tragic auto mishap in 1998. And then the home of Daniel H. Disney and Charles Elias Disney in the Midwest was completely destroyed in 2011 in a record massive catastrophic EF-5 multiple-vortex tornado" that completely destroyed many generations of family pictures and countless family keepsakes, and mostly were never recovered. Daniel H. Disney suffered a very near fatal heart attack followed by five-bypass open heart surgery in late summer of 2014, from which he is still recovering! So, all families are faced with misfortunes and people must do their best to go forward and find strength coming from their faith, family and friends! And, as well, great amounts of fortitude, patience and endurance!
Charles Elias was always interested in the film and entertainment business and when he was fifteen, he and his mother formed a private film "seed financing" entity to assist independent film makers with their initial funding for their films. This enterprise was named LodeStar Pictures and with God's help, and the help of others, the fledgling film enterprise met with some great success from the beginning! While Charles Elias has been involved with and partnered with others in numerous other business ventures, his efforts were mostly directed toward his involvement with films and financing films throughout most of his working years. He also was a managing partner with Central Cinema Company in the operation of numerous theatres.
Another very relevant person, one who never can be understated in Charles Elias' life was Patricia Ann "Patty" Disney, the wife of his first cousin Roy Edward Disney. Religion has always been such an important part of Charles Elias' life and "Patty" Disney inspired and encouraged Daniel H. Disney and Charles Elias Disney to become Roman Catholics, and she served as one of their personal sponsors along with Franciscan Sisters Annie Hilger and Ida Nieberle when they entered the Church many years ago. Meredith Disney and Patty were also very close friends and enjoyed each others company for many years. Meredith and Patty and Rosalind Russell were quite active in their respective parishes right up to the time when each one of them passed away.
And again, another person who has inspired and influenced Charles Elias is his brother Daniel H. Disney. Daniel and Charles have continued the LodeStar Pictures enterprise and have expanded on the original concept first established by Meredith and Charles Elias in Kansas City so many years ago. Together, Daniel and Charles Elias have established numerous funding's for various religious and other charitable entities. The majority of their giving efforts are done so with desired personal anonymity. Their footprints perhaps lead directly to, and are linked, to numerous film projects and other enterprises.
Of course, the two people who perhaps have had the greatest influence on Charles Elias' life were his late wife and son who lost their lives in a terrible auto accident in Europe. Mary Elizabeth O'Brien Disney was thirty-one years of age and Charles Roy Disney was three and one-half years of age when they passed from this life. A youngster ran into the car in which they were riding and claimed both of their lives. Only Mary and Charlie were in the car at the time of the tragedy. This tragedy obviously changed the course of Charles Elias' life and he determined early on (thanks to his mother) that he would live out his own life by honoring Mary and Charlie's lives by reaching out to others in all sorts of dire circumstances, including the young fellow who actually caused the accident---talk about Dr. Robert H. Schuller's "Turning your Scars into Stars!"
Another close and longtime friend who had such an important impact on Charles Elias' life and on Daniel and Meredith's lives as well, was the late Rev. Dr. Robert H. Schuller from Garden Grove, California who was an advocate and author of Christian "Possibility Thinking" and an example of faithful success. He inspired the building of the iconic Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, that was the longtime home of the "Hour of Power" inspirational television broadcasts for so many years. Meredith and Charles Elias and Daniel were present for the groundbreaking in 1977 and later for the dedication in 1980 of this iconic church! Pastor Schuller's most faithful and good grandson Bobby Schuller continues with this weekly "Hour of Power!" Dr. Schuller passed away on April 2, 2015.
One of the great joys in Charles Elias' life is to help fund worthy endeavors such as Catholic Charities and the building of the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Los Angeles. Charles Elias stated: "+Roger Cardinal Roger Michael Mahony, now the retired Archbishop of Los Angeles, influenced our families commitment to this beautiful and iconic Cathedral." Catholic Charities is present throughout the World and it is impossible to ever place a number on how many millions of people are assisted yearly by this great Roman Catholic outreach. His brother Daniel H. Disney worked closely with Cardinal Mahony to create the many print images and other varied graphics prior to and following the Cathedral opening on September 2, 2002.
Also, Charles Elias maintains a special interest in the Shriner's Hospitals for Children! His father who was Raymond Arnold Disney, was an active lifelong Mason and Shriner. These hospitals help children survive some of the most horrific circumstances, and without the Shriner's Hospitals, so many, many children would live out their lives having never been cured of their maladies, burns, or injuries or serious birth defects! The combined Shriner's 22 Hospitals for Children in the United States, Mexico, and Canada have been helping children and their families since 1922. Recently, a new state-of-the-art hospital replaced the older former hospital in St. Louis, Missouri and brothers Charles Elias and Daniel H. Disney were present for the inspiring dedication on Sunday, May 17, 2015.
Charles Elias Disney is an active and faithful Christian Roman Catholic and a conservative member of the Republican Party and as his faith teaches him, he believes in the "full sanctity of Human life from conception to a natural death!"
Charles Elias believes: "Difficult times do help form one's character" and he believes had he not endured his share of difficulties and hardships, he would never have been able to fulfill what he believes God revealed for his life! He believes: "Everyone is influenced by others and throughout one's life it is important to recognize the goodness that can be found in everyone." He emphatically believes that so many people have influenced his life and that it would be impossible to name each and every individual at any one time, but he does hold each and every one in his thoughts and prayers daily! His parents set before him wonderful examples of reaching out to others without any desire for reward, recognition, or any compensation! "And the desire and ability to forgive should always be paramount in everyone's life!"
A very special place in Charles Elias Disney's life is found in the beauty and the serenity of northern Minnesota in an area known as Crosslake. In his younger years he spent many summers there with his parents and other family and many friends, and he always enjoyed the special and majestic beauty of the countless lakes and forests and the very special people who call this place home. His dad taught him to love fishing and to love all of nature and he first learned to swim in Whitefish Lake when he was only four years of age and jumping off at the end of the dock at the awesome and majestic Boyd Lodge, a stunning lodge that still continues to be enjoyed by many families to this day. In later years, he was fortunate enough to have actually lived in Crosslake and in quite beautiful and rustic homes actually designed and built by his brother Daniel Disney. He recalls: "These were truly some of the very best years of my life and the memories will be with me forever!"
When his family home burned to the ground in Malibu, California in 1993 and then his home was completely destroyed in the massive midwest tornado in 2011---in both instances---he gratefully emerged a stronger man. Although still missing the many personal belongings, especially family pictures, all lost in the tornado that nearly cost him his life. Daniel H. Disney also survived both of these catastrophic tragedies. Charles Elias and Daniel marvel at the people who came from near and far to assist following these unimaginable circumstances. Charles Elias' mother was also Daniel's step-mother, who was Meredith A. Disney, and she passed from this life as a result of a tragic auto mishap. Meredith's passing truly impacted so many others lives...
"Lives are always altered forever when our loved ones pass from this life...
SO, be thankful while you have your wonderful loved ones, both family and
friends, and often, let them know each day how much you do love them...!"
Charles Elias Disney
Walt Disney and Lillian Disney were the Godparents to
their nephew Charles Elias Disney on
Sunday, February 16, 1941 in St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Kansas City, Missouri
when at five months, Charles Elias Disney was Baptized.
Frank S. Land, Founder of the Order of DeMolay,
was also one of his his Godparents
Walt Disney and his nephew Charles Elias Disney in 1954
When Disneyland Park was being constructed in Anaheim, California
*Disneyland opened on Friday, July 15, 1955, exactly one year and one day
After construction had first commenced in 1954!
Walter Elias Disney and his nephew Charles Elias Disney
both "Lifetime Members of the Mother Chapter" of the
International Order of DeMolay
One of the great moments in the life of Charles Elias Disney was when he received the Initiatory Degree and the DeMolay Degree and became an active member of the Mother Chapter of the Order of DeMolay in Kansas City, Missouri on March 19, 1955. Charles Elias served as the Scribe in Mother Chapter. The DeMolay Fraternity was first established by Frank S. Land in Kansas City, Missouri in January of 1919. Charles Elias enjoyed being a member of the first organized Chapter and he was active during the time he resided in Kansas City! His late father was Raymond Arnold Disney, who was an older brother to Walt Disney and Raymond was an active Mason and Shriner for many years in Los Angeles. The Disney's were close personal friends to DeMolay Founder "Dad" Frank S. Land!
Walt Disney and his nephew Charles Elias often would reminisce about their years as members of the Mother Chapter Order of DeMolay while living in Kansas City, albeit many years apart! Walt Disney and his nephew Charles Elias Disney shared the same middle name of "Elias" coming from Walt's father who was Elias Charles Disney! Charles Elias was actually named for his paternal grandfather who was Elias Charles Disney!
The DeMolay Emblem was created with symbolism in mind
The Emblem has been a part of DeMolay since the very beginning
and was redesigned as shown above in the 1940's
Every part of the Emblem has a symbolic significance to a member
The INSIGNIA was designed by the founder of our great Order: Dad Frank S. Land. He designed it as a pin and symbol that recognizes us as DeMolays and their representatives. Every part of this insignia has a particular significance, and we as DeMolays should know them by heart.
The CROWN is symbolic of the Crown of Youth and constantly reminds a DeMolay of his obligations and the seven precepts of this Order: filial love, reverence for sacred things, courtesy, comradeship, fidelity, cleanness and patriotism.
The TEN PRECIOUS STONES of the crown honor our founder, Frank S. Land, and the nine youths whose ties of friendship drew them together in the formation of the Order of DeMolay. The Red Rubies honor those who have passed away. The pearls represent those living members of the original nine. When, as comes to every man, the final summons for each of this honored group, a red ruby takes the place of a pearl.
The HELMET is emblematic of chivalry, which we as DeMolays display through our courtesy and respect for womanhood and without which there can be no fineness of character.
The CRESCENT is a sign of secrecy and constantly reminds DeMolays of their duty never to reveal the secrets of our Order or to betray the confidence of a friend.
The five-armed WHITE CROSS symbolizes the purity of your intentions to always remember the motto of the Order: No DeMolay shall fail as a citizen, as a leader and as a man.
The CROSSED SWORDS denote justice, fortitude and mercy. They symbolize the increasing warfare of DeMolay against arrogance, despotism and intolerance.
The STARS surrounding the crescent are symbolic of hope and should always remind us of those obligations and duties which one Brother of the Order owes to another.
The CROWN is symbolic of the Crown of Youth and constantly reminds a DeMolay of his obligations and the seven precepts of this Order: filial love, reverence for sacred things, courtesy, comradeship, fidelity, cleanness and patriotism.
The TEN PRECIOUS STONES of the crown honor our founder, Frank S. Land, and the nine youths whose ties of friendship drew them together in the formation of the Order of DeMolay. The Red Rubies honor those who have passed away. The pearls represent those living members of the original nine. When, as comes to every man, the final summons for each of this honored group, a red ruby takes the place of a pearl.
The HELMET is emblematic of chivalry, which we as DeMolays display through our courtesy and respect for womanhood and without which there can be no fineness of character.
The CRESCENT is a sign of secrecy and constantly reminds DeMolays of their duty never to reveal the secrets of our Order or to betray the confidence of a friend.
The five-armed WHITE CROSS symbolizes the purity of your intentions to always remember the motto of the Order: No DeMolay shall fail as a citizen, as a leader and as a man.
The CROSSED SWORDS denote justice, fortitude and mercy. They symbolize the increasing warfare of DeMolay against arrogance, despotism and intolerance.
The STARS surrounding the crescent are symbolic of hope and should always remind us of those obligations and duties which one Brother of the Order owes to another.
Walt Disney was initiated into the Mother Chapter of the Order of DeMolay in 1920 and was a lifetime member...
"Cartoonist Extraordinaire"
Walt Disney stated: "I feel a great sense of obligation and gratitude toward the Order of DeMolay for the important part it played in my life. Its precepts have been invaluable in making decisions, facing dilemmas and crises. DeMolay stands for all that is good for the family and for our country. I feel privileged to have enjoyed membership in DeMolay.
Later in DeMolay, I learned to believe in the basic principle of the right of man to exercise his faith and thoughts as he chooses. In DeMolay, we believe in a Supreme Being, in the fellowship of man, and the sanctity of the home. DeMolay stands for all that is good for the family and for our country.”
Walt Disney, along with his staff, received 48 Academy Awards and 7 Emmys.
Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom.
DeMolay International Legion of Honor 1931.
Mother Chapter, Kansas City, Missouri. Initiated 1920.
Walt Disney (Walter Elias Disney) was the 107th member of the Mother Chapter Order of DeMolay in Kansas City, Missouri when he was initiated in 1920 when he was nineteen years of age, and Walt was quite proud to be one of "Dad Land's boys!" Walt was inducted into the DeMolay Legion of Honor in 1931 in Kansas City by Frank S. Land, the Founder of DeMolay International.
Later in DeMolay, I learned to believe in the basic principle of the right of man to exercise his faith and thoughts as he chooses. In DeMolay, we believe in a Supreme Being, in the fellowship of man, and the sanctity of the home. DeMolay stands for all that is good for the family and for our country.”
Walt Disney, along with his staff, received 48 Academy Awards and 7 Emmys.
Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom.
DeMolay International Legion of Honor 1931.
Mother Chapter, Kansas City, Missouri. Initiated 1920.
Walt Disney (Walter Elias Disney) was the 107th member of the Mother Chapter Order of DeMolay in Kansas City, Missouri when he was initiated in 1920 when he was nineteen years of age, and Walt was quite proud to be one of "Dad Land's boys!" Walt was inducted into the DeMolay Legion of Honor in 1931 in Kansas City by Frank S. Land, the Founder of DeMolay International.
Walt Disney
Was a DeMolay Leader in California

Walt Disney, creator of Mickey Mouse film cartoons, will lead the Grand March of the fifth annual Order of DeMolay Conclave to be held in San Diego, California in June of 1936. Disney is president of the International DeMolay Alumni Association. He is shown at left, with Charles Emory Wright, member of the DeMolay Grand Council in Southern California, and Mickey Mouse.
Disney brothers visit DeMolay International Headquarters in
Kansas City, Missouri
On the morning of September 24, 2020, brothers Charles Elias Disney and Daniel H. Disney visited the DeMolay International Headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri. Both were welcomed by Christian D. Moore who is the Executive Director for DeMolay International and T J Lang, Director of IT and Media.
This was a very special time for the Disney brothers and Charles Elias Disney's being a lifetime member of the Mother Chapter, and actually viewing and absorbing all of the artifacts housed in the DeMolay International Headquarters was quite inspiring and both of the Disney brothers shall always remember the kind hospitality shown throughout their visit!
DeMolay International is an international fraternal organization for young men ages 12 to 21. It was founded in Kansas City, Missouri by Frank S. Land in 1919, and named for Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar.
DeMolay was founded for the purpose of developing civic awareness, personal responsibility, and leadership skills, and focusing on building a bond between members, DeMolay International has grown to more than 1,000 chapters worldwide.
This was a very special time for the Disney brothers and Charles Elias Disney's being a lifetime member of the Mother Chapter, and actually viewing and absorbing all of the artifacts housed in the DeMolay International Headquarters was quite inspiring and both of the Disney brothers shall always remember the kind hospitality shown throughout their visit!
DeMolay International is an international fraternal organization for young men ages 12 to 21. It was founded in Kansas City, Missouri by Frank S. Land in 1919, and named for Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar.
DeMolay was founded for the purpose of developing civic awareness, personal responsibility, and leadership skills, and focusing on building a bond between members, DeMolay International has grown to more than 1,000 chapters worldwide.
Charles Elias Disney visits the Disney Family Home in Marceline, Missouri in 1997
"I can still do more to help! Mercy is the synonym of Love and Courage is truly the backside of Love!" --- Charles Elias Disney

This little boy has really suffered throughout his short lifetime! He has struggled hourly and he has touched my heart very deeply. I have never known what it is to live without love, or food, or water, or medicine. My life has been changed forever by this image and I do encourage every reader of this site to get involved!
A passage I love and do my best to apply in my own life comes from the Holy Bible, the Second Book of James 2:26
"Faith without works is dead."
Charles Elias Disney
A passage I love and do my best to apply in my own life comes from the Holy Bible, the Second Book of James 2:26
"Faith without works is dead."
Charles Elias Disney
Love and Dedication and Devotion for Wild Animals nearly cost Charles Elias Disney his own life when he was in Eastern Africa, but, as he boldly states: "We must take some measures NOW to save these magnificent creatures! Sadly, many of these animals are being extremely decimated by illegal poaching and even certain hunters with absolutely no regard for any particular species! And I do personally support the Second Amendment to the U. S. Constitution. What I vehemently oppose is illegal hunting, anytime, anywhere! My own life-threatening encounter in Africa with a Lioness while I was on a filming project was actually quite amazing, and it affirmed my personal commitment to help save these magnificent and splendid animals! This magnificent Lioness was never harmed, while I am still, with God's Grace, still on the mend!"
Charles Elias Disney

Magnificent Lioness in East Africa outback, Charles named "Mable" in honor of Mable Ringling! This is the actual lioness that attacked Charles Elias Disney in 2016. "SHE IS TRULY SO BEAUTIFUL & MAGNIFICENT! She was never harmed!" Charles has seen Mable on several occasions when he has visited Africa!